Wednesday 9 December 2020

Retrospective: How did the COVID-19 crisis affect client relationships and what can we take out of it?

DrupalCon Europe 2020
AgileWorkshop FacilitationDrupalDrupalConClient Relationships

This retrospective workshop is for everyone working at the intersection between open source delivery and the customer side. Would you like to reflect how COVID-19 has affected yourself and the work you do or would you like to experience an agile retrospective format? Then this interactive workshop is for you. Facilitated by a team of agile coaches, we will use the retrospective format to share and learn from our experiences with the COVID-19 crisis. We will celebrate achievements and collect insights on what we can learn and improve for the future. You will be able to sign-up for this workshop two weeks up until one day before the session within the capacity of the facility. We will mix and match participants in group to make sure the groups have relevant content to reflect together.