Wednesday 30 October 2019

Open Source Contribution Panel - with Julia Pradel, Sally Young, Michael Schmid, Bojan Zivanovic

I was fortunate to host a panel discussion on Open Source Contribution at DrupalCon Amsterdam with Julia Pradel, Sally Young, Michael Schmid, Bojan Zivanovic.

In this panel discussion, we discuss the current state of open source contribution as part of our daily life and work.

  • What's your source of motivation for open source contribution?
  • Which models work well to include open source contribution into one's personal agenda?
  • What strategies do agencies implement to participate and benefit from open source contribution?
  • Which projects and initiatives can act as source of inspiration for open source contribution?
  • What's mostly blocking open source contribution and what can we do to overcome those blockers?

The panel is aimed at anyone interested in open source contribution.