Friday 8 March 2019
Holacracy at Unic - A newcomer's perspective
In this session, I share my experiences of working in a holacracy organization for the first two months at Unic. What is holacracy? An organisation set up according to holacracy leads and operates in a new way, a responsive way. Power is no longer tied to specific individuals, but it is distributed among circles that work towards certain purposes. The circles consist of different roles. Each role serves a purpose and has responsibilities. The roles are fulfilled by employees. To this end, they are endowed with authority and authorised to make decisions. Because the employees know what is good and right. According to Holacracy philosophy, employees are partners of the organisation. What you can expect from this talk? Instead of explaining you all the details about responsive organization & holocracy, I would like to share with you my newcomer's perspective:
- Why did I join a holacracy organization & what were my expectations?
- What were my first impressions seeing holacracy work in practice?
- What works well for me and what would I like see to improved?
- Which resources & first steps are recommended to get started with holacracy?
At the end of this talk, you should have a rough understanding of the ideas behind holacracy and know it is to join a holacracy organization.